GrapesConcord grapes have been grown on this land since around 1811 or so. Until the late 1960s, all grapes have been hand harvested, using wooden boxes, later plastic bins, set on metal picking stands. Workers were hired for the 'season'--usually late September through the end of October, with grapes shipped by railroad cars to urban areas. After the establishment of local cooperatives such as Welchs and Keystone, grapes were picked in bulk and processed right here in North East, PA. Over the years, a sugar standard has gradually evolved, using 15 degrees Brix as the baseline. Moorhead Farms was strictly a Concord growing operation for many years until John branched out in wine varieties in 1967, planting a few vinifera and some French hybrids. Now the farm is totally a 'wine' farm, with all varieties used in production of wines. We now grow around 22 different varieties of wine grapes plus a number of table grapes.
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