Korvan 4012

As always, the farmer is dependent on weather.  All can be perfect while planting, cultivating and growing the crop, only to be wiped out with hail, frost, rain or lack of sunshine.  Because of the nature of each crop, specialized equipment is needed for cultivation and harvest . 

KorvanMoorhead Farms is one of the few farms that has a Korvan 4012. The Korvan 4012 is the result of three years of development work with vineyard owners and managers and hundreds of hours of testing prototypes in some of the most difficult vineyard situations.
The new heavy duty power unit features more horse power, a unique four wheel drive system and a versatile dual three point hitch. Design engineers started with the proven picking system of the Korvan grape harvester line as the base for the new model. The 10-foot overall width of the Korvan 4012 allows it to pick in 6-foot row spacings, and the picking unit features a 12-inch bucket conveyor system for harvesting in high tonnages.

Finding hand labor has always been difficult, and the work force used to be housewives looking for a little extra cash during tying and harvest season.  Nowadays there are mostly Hispanic workers in this area.


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